You see, several years ago I signed up for Spacebook and caught a lot of heat about it from my friends... and then (enter creepy music) someone hacked a "friends" account and started sending nasty email messages under their name and stole sensitive password information. It creeped me out and so far... I have stayed away, preferring to blog.
I just want to take this opportunity to say I have not and will not abandon projectkb for a Myface account (unlike a certain percentage of the DC blogger scene).
Post that on Cousin Eric's SuperWall.
so that's how you found me on Facebook? Mario, Raymond and my sister are on there too!!! I feel like such a teenager!!! he he he...x
I'm really really happy you are on MyFace now and especially love the graphic, and I encourage to stay on it for at least a month before you delete it- if you want to abandon it after that feel free...
trash: 2questions, which part? and what is a superwall? (not kidding)
soulla- i seem to run into you everwhere on the net these days. someone told me you have a Hi5 account. is that true? :)
scully: i probably wont delete it. it sucks at me. but i still dont know what a superwall is.
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